Gecko Lizard Whiskey 50% 750ml
Strong rice whiskey infused with a farmed gecko lizard and herbs.
Gecko herbal whiskey is used in some parts of SE Asia as a Aphrodisiac; and is also claimed to have medical uses, such as the treatment of back and muscle pain.
This unique gecko whiskey could be an excellent addition and a great conversation piece for your home, bar or office. Or it would also be a great, hard-to-find, gift for that special someone who already has everything except for a rare, fascinating bottle of 100% authentic gecko whiskey.
This item is shipped as a collectors bottle for display purposes only, and is declared as a gift. Only buyers of legal age can purchase items on our site containing alcohol.
Gecko Lizard Whiskey Infusion
- Brand: Thailand Unique
- Product Code:GLW2012
- Availability:In Stock
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Tags: lizard whiskey, snake whiskey, snake wine