Q. Have your edible insects been packed in a facility that also deals with shellfish?
A. No, however edible insects contain chitin (insect exoskeleton). If you are allergic to shrimp or other crustaceans, allergic reaction to edible insects is likely.
Q. Do your edible insects contain wheat gluten?
A. No, our manufacturing plant does not handle wheat gluten and our insects are fed a gluten free diet.
Q. Do your edible insects contain any allergens?
A. Our food products and production facility is completely free of all allergens except crustacean allergen. Edible insects share the same properties as crustaceans, therefore people with crustacean allergies may have a reaction with insects.
Q. Are your edible insects ready-to-eat?
A. Yes, all edible insects for sale on our website are ready-to-eat and manufactured for human consumption.
If you have a question, please contact us here.
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