Weaver Ants eggs are a highly prized delicacy in Thailand. Weaver ants produce their eggs only once a year during the cooler months December to Jaruary, during this time, the...
Cure Your Arachnophobia by Eating a Couple Fried Tarantulas. If you are arachnophobic and greatly fear spiders, you can truly face your fear in Cambodia by sampling one of the...
If you are planning a voyage to Iceland, while you are there you can have the unique experience of biting a shark, instead of having it bite you. This is...
If you are someone who enjoys eating flavorful fatty foods for the fun of it, you should definitely give Salo a try. This Ukrainian delicacy is made from pig fat,...
Japanese cuisine includes some unique and amazing delicacies. One of the most interesting and dangerous dishes in Japanese cooking is Fugu, also known as Blowfish or Puffer Fish. Fugu is...
Gonimbrasia belina is a species of moth that originates from South Africa. The caterpillar (Mopane worm) is edible and is an important food source for indigenous South Africans, providing them...
Pork Mush—The Pennsylvania Treat Unless you live in the Middle Atlantic states, you may have never had the dubious pleasure of breakfasting on scrapple—a fried slice of pork-mush. Often erroneously...
Feel Like a Cannibal without Really Being One at Body Bakery Of all the weird food choices out there, this has got to be one of the craziest. Kittiwat Unarrom...